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HawkChick Loofah Bath Sponge Shower
HawkChick Loofah Bath Sponge Shower
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Dead skin removal: efficiently exfoliates dead skin, a oother and more polished complexion,face scrubber,bath sponge
Shower loofah sponge:the soft sponge surface is designed to cleanse your skin delicately, ensuring no age while providing a thorough clean,loofah body scrubber
Effective exfoliation: efficiently removes dead skin, leaving your skin feeling ooth and ,shower scrubber for body,body scrubber
Natural Loofah Exfoliating Back Scrubber For Shower Set
Handle material:
Natural loofah, ultra-fine towel fabric
Cleaning effect:
The Natural loofah exfoliating for shower can clean pore and exfoliate, grease and deep dirt, without damaging the skin, so the result will be smooth and soft skin. Stimulates circulation and improves lymphatic flow.
Reduce cellulite:
Natural loofah exfoliating back scrubber for shower sets can massage the skin, soften the stearic fat deposits under the skin, help reduce the appearance of fat mass, make the skin softer and smoother.
Method of use:
Soak in water for 1 minute, so that the loofah sponge full expansion of softening, and then coated with shower gel or soap, with a loofah sponge scrubbing body, remove keratin and dirt. No chemical ingredients, pure natural manufacturing, just rinse with water after use and hang in a ventilated place to dry. For your personal hygiene, it is recommended to replace it every 2-3 months.
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